How is LED Produced?

How is LED Produced?
22 Ekim 2018Yorum Yap
How is LED Produced?

The production of LEDs is a delicate and complex matter. We will do our best to make this whole process more understandable, simple and summarized for you.

LED means light emitting diode. The diode, on the other hand, consists of semiconductor material. In one of the layers of the semiconductor material, there is an excess of electrons, and the other layer is freed from electrons. The difference in electron levels between layers allows electrons to move from one layer to another, and emits light through electronic excitation.

The first and most important step to produce the LED is to make a semiconductor material. This material is called semiconductor plate.

The semiconductor material is made in a high-temperature, high-pressure chamber. Elements such as gallium, arsenic and/or phosphorus are purified and mixed together in a special chamber. This mixture is then liquefied and converted into a concentrated solution.

After the elements are mixed, a stick is placed in the solution and slowly withdrawn. As the solution is drawn, it crystallizes at the tip of the rod and forms a long, cylindrical crystal nugget.

This material is then sliced ​​and semiconductor wafers are formed. The surface is sanded until it is completely smooth. It is then immersed in various solutions to get rid of any dirt, dust or organic material.

In the next step of the process, additional layers of semiconductor material are added to the plate.

Then, metal contacts are defined on the semiconductor. This is determined at the design stage, depending on whether the diode will be used separately or together with other diodes.

Finally, the diodes are mounted in suitable packages, the wires are connected, and then everything is covered with plastic.

Led diodes are offered for sale as Led modules, choose the one suitable for your search criteria in the Led module market with the name led module and perform led and pcb application in the area where you will use the led module.
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This is how LEDs are made!
Modulux Lighting Electronic San. ve Tic. wishes you pleasant shopping.

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